Our contract models

Preconstruction phase
The preconstruction phase consists of the value engineering, the definition of the construction works, and the agreement of conflict resolution mechanisms. The first contract that we conclude – the TEAMCONCEPT® Agreement – covers the consulting, planning or optimisation that is performed in this phase. A mutual exit option at the end of the preconstruction phase gives you complete freedom.
Every TEAMCONCEPT® project begins with the preconstruction phase. You decide whether you want to entrust us with the construction planning or whether you want us to provide you with comprehensive advice and optimisation regarding your construction project. In the TEAMCONCEPT® Agreement, we jointly define tasks, milestones and remuneration. We also look ahead: the contract for the construction phase is an annex to this agreement.
What's in it for you? A clear, cost-efficient construction plan with cost certainty enables your project to really take off. Only a partner with experience in execution can help you to fully optimise your construction plan and offer value engineering across all trades, while keeping the relevant interfaces in mind.
Characteristics of the contract
- Task specification for both construction partners
- Framework schedule for the preconstruction phase
- Targeted value engineering
- Remuneration is payable as a lump sum or as proofed field cost
- Exit option
- Binding offer at the end of the preconstruction phase
Integrated project delivery (IPD)
With this type of contract model, the specifications are jointly drawn up by the client, the designer and ZÜBLIN. In Germany, contract models with integrated project delivery (IPD) are still rare - unlike in English-speaking countries or in Scandinavia. Yet, they can be very successful, especially when it comes to construction partnering.
Characteristics of the contract
- Remuneration is done on an open-book basis as a common remuneration system for all.
- Remuneration is influenced by a bonus-malus system, which is based on the actual benefit generated.
- Transparency promotes the commitment of all involved in terms of best-for-project decisions.

Construction phase
In the construction phase, we realize your construction project under the mutually agreed conditions. You have the choice between various contract models, which we can combine with each other and adapt flexibly to your construction project.
The lump sum contract
The lump sum contract is usually deployed for construction projects when the type and scope of the construction work can be precisely defined and changes are unlikely.
Characteristics of the contract
- Payment is made as a lump sum and is therefore independent of volume.
- The basis is the bill of quantities or a functional description of services with planning documents.
- Depending on the requirements of the construction project, a distinction is made between detailed- and global lump sum contracts.
The GMP contract
The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) is a construction contract model that is often used in TEAMCONCEPT® projects. It is based on the lump-sum contract model - the construction partners initially agree on the scope of work. However, the price is not a fixed price, but a maximum price. The project participants divide the savings among themselves.
Characteristics of the contract
- Invoicing is based on documentation evidencing the production costs, which are capped.
- If the price falls below the guaranteed maximum price, both parties involved in the construction project benefit.
- This creates incentives to optimise construction costs via joint subcontractor awards according to the open-book principle.
- The bill of quantities or a functional description of services forms the basis for the construction contract.
The cost-plus-fee contract
In this contract model, the disclosed bill of quantities forms the basis for the provision of services for the construction project. The client is involved in all cost-relevant decisions. Subcontract awards are made jointly using the open-book process.
Characteristics of the contract
- The scope can be flexibly adapted during execution.
- The high construction cost transparency of the contract model enables the project to start quickly with little lead time.
- Remuneration is based on proven construction costs plus general contractor fee.
Unit price contract
With the unit price contract, the construction partners retain a high degree of flexibility, even if the scope of services or quantities change.
Characteristics of the contract
- The detailed service description for the joint construction project is specified by type and quantity in the items of the bill of quantities.
- Payment is made on the basis of agreed unit prices and quantity-dependent measurement.
Do you have any questions about our contract models?
We are happy to advise you individually
Arrange a consultation